
Showing posts from April, 2011

African Cats

I liked Disney's The Lion King better. That at least had some catchy songs. I fell asleep for a few minutes during this film. I don't think it was due to the movie so much as pregnancy, but even Gabe seemed a little bored. I guess we both need more excitement or plot in our movies. The scenery was breathtaking and of course the documentary style movie was informative. Gabe had fun naming all the animals that came on screen. There were a few endearing moments with the cheetah cubs. Overall, I'd say I could skip out on another movie like this though. I just can't get excited about animals. I did like the narration by Samuel L. Jackson, he put a soulful touch on the wild cats. I also enjoyed the comedic touch at the end...but you'll have to go see it to find out about it. Or, if you're like me, you'll be fine to never watch this movie and therefore never know about the ending. This movie was so unimpressive to me, that I have nothing to say or writ...

Water For Elephants

Even a Twilight fan like me was worried that this movie, based on the best selling novel of the same name by Sara Gruen , would be ruined by Rob Pattinson . I haven't hit my head. I was sure of his likability factor. I was sure of his, for lack of a better word, hotness. I was sure he was not a good actor ... but wait , I have been proven wrong. I enjoyed this movie---mostly in part to the wonderful job Rob Pattinson did in bringing Jacob Jankowski to the big screen. The acting was good...all around. The plot stayed relatively true to the story in the book, therefore captivating me from the opening scene. This isn't a happy go lucky film or overtly romantic, but it was a story told in a way that seemed refreshing and unique. And in a place and time that I am not familiar---early thirties and a circus. Just as the author brought the characters to life in the book, so too, did the director and actors in this film. I'm even ready to see it again. If you enjoyed the bo...


Yep, I'm that mom. I'm that person. I'm the one who is part of the reason Hallmark sells Easter cards. Wal-mart has five aisles devoted to fifty different kinds of Easter goodies and candies. Long lines at the mall to hop onto the Easter Bunny's lap for five seconds. I love holidays, commercial and non (although, not sure that exists anymore). You would have thought it was Christmas (another one of my favorites) the way Gabe popped out of bed this morning in hopes of something super duper waiting for him in his Easter basket. And (secretly) me too. We did all the goofy, corny holiday hoopla---saw the movie HOP, sat on EB's lap for a picture, made Easter Egg cupcakes, boiled and dyed Easter eggs, enjoyed a delicious Easter brunch followed by an egg hunt. Truly an eggstravaganza. And now, the next big commercial holiday awaits----Mother's Day. Rest assured I will be up at the crack of dawn to receive my goodies that day as well. My boys do a good job at put...

It's A New Couch

...for me to lounge on, spend my days reading on, watching endless hours of Twilight on, and relaxing this summer on, before baby arrives. Our last couch was my "dream" couch. It was a leather couch with a pull out bed. I wanted the leather in order to provide easy (easier) clean up from the inevitable spill, puke, dirty fingers and feet (not necessarily all belonging to the kid). As it turned out, the "dream" sofa was the WORST. It was too small, it was sticky, it started to crack and eventually tore and ripped and ended up looking not so great. So, the NEW dream couch? A fabric (not leather) sectional. The big "L" shape. Last weekend we went couch shopping. We went into exactly ONE store, sat on exactly ONE couch, and were sold. It's a sectional. It's fabric (not leather). It is BIG. It is comfy. Bonus feature? It also has a pull out bed. Come on over! I haven't been this giddy about a new piece of furniture in awhile. Let...

The Perils Of Retail

Just as there are perks to retail, there are...PERILS. At work yesterday, I was hit in the face with a football. I thought you worked at Old Navy you say? Why yes, I do. The peril of working at a "fun family" store is that we carry balls---soccer, volley, and football. It is "fun" for kids of all ages to play with the balls while "mom", "girlfriend", "wife" shops around. Yesterday, as I walked to the back of the store, eager to clock out for the day and get home to my own kid, I suddenly saw stars. Ouch! Shock! Fear! Embarrassment! Throbbing! A football just flew at my head. Since I wasn't prepared, I didn't duck (or wear my helmet). What a way to end the day. Nothing this exciting has happened at work in awhile...until today, when I was hit in the FOOT with...a FOOTBALL. My coworkers and I have decided it must be the belly. It has a gravitational pull and is attracted to balls...maybe tomorrow I will be hit with ...

AIDS Walk 2011

I did it. I walked three miles while pregnant. Not a huge feat for most, but if you know me, you know it is monumental for me. Much like my first 10K, I wasn't overly confident that I would make it...but I did. A big mahalo to all the generous donations from my "sponsors" that I received. When I turned in the funds to the registration table, I received a huge smile, a sincere thank you, an appreciative approval of my fundraising efforts, and a FREE T-SHIRT! The "maternity" size (which I guess is XL since that's what the t-shirt lady handed me) can be seen in the photo above...big huh? The weather was sunny and muggy but preferable to torrential downpour. There were so many exuberant characters to see. There was a contest for coolest/funniest team theme (we did not win...but there's next year!), so of course I found entertainment in people watching. The turnout to support Life Foundation was terrific. The walk was twenty years strong this year ...

International Reunion Day

...or another chance to eat JJ French pastry and food. Well, really it is one day a year devoted to reconnecting with my Alpha Gamma Delta sorority sisters. This year was our first year enjoying our luncheon at J2 Asian Fusion (the sister restaurant to JJ French). It didn't matter that I had just enjoyed breakfast at JJ French the day before. Nope, not at all. For IRD I enjoyed another new to me dish, the seafood brioche. Dessert was a moist, not overly rich red velvet mini layered cake (nicely decorated for the occasion I might add). It was a lovely, leisurely morning (except for the two block walk from my parking space and trying not to sneeze or cough too much...I've caught another mild cold). It was great catching up with my sisters, not working on a Saturday, and having some dessert time. I mean girl time. And I learned that J2 Asian Fusion fits 60 people, if you're looking for a place to hold an event...might I suggest choosing J2...and also inv...

Big Kahuna Pizza

The food I associate most with my pregnancy with Gabe? Meat. Any kind. Any time. Any where. I even (you may recall) damaged my car trying to get said meat. This pregnancy, the food I will associate with most? Bread. Wheat. White. Stuffed. Doughy. Sweet. Toasted. Topped with cheese. I heard (from James Franco on Inside the Actors Studio) that obsession really can be latent talent. Does this mean I have a talent for eating...bread? Where's the high paying job for that? The movie of my bread eating life...Soul Bread...eater? I discovered that Big Kahuna, the pizza place next to Blimpie's (they have great fresh baked bread), has wonderful (and cheap) bread. Last weekend, we ate a late lunch there and I departed from my usual veggie pizza and got...a veggie sandwich! I'm so original. The bread was amazing, so I had to ask "do you sell just the bread?". Why yes, they do...for a little over a buck. Sold. And for the next two days I had the most am...

Before I Take That Gestational Diabetes Test

...I am loading up on my sweets. Not the brightest strawberry in the patch you say? Well, if I'm gonna have to swallow that yucky orange syrup and then sit around for an hour without eating (for the second time during this pregnancy I might add), then I want to know I lived my "sweet" life to the's just a few of the delectable treats I have been SHARING with others lately...

Soul Surfer

I didn't particularly like this movie. It was a little too hokey and religious for my personal taste. I haven't forgotten that it is based on a book, that is based on a real person's life---a person that obviously has been through a lot, but if she can survive a shark attack, I'm sure she can survive one mom saying "this movie was kind of junk". I remember when Bethany Hamilton was in the news...we had just moved back to Hawaii with our three month old baby (talk about traumatic). While I do love a good underdog story, and stories of of beating insurmountable odds, this story was out of the realm of what I could relate to. I'll never be a soul surfer. I'll never be someone who can't go a day without getting in the ocean. While I can relate to obsession (food, for example), other than choking or carrying around a little extra weight, my obsession won't be getting me maimed or injured (famous last words). I am glad there are positive movi...

Easter Bunny

Don't you love how I use my phone as a sort of scanner? This here is a picture of a picture...taken with my iPhone...I'm soooo lazy. But, at least I took Gabe to see the Easter Bunny. Yesterday we had a Sunday date to a non-closing bookstore, the gourmet popcorn kiosk, and photos with E.B. Not your typical date maybe, but fun nonetheless. It is shocking to me that our seven year old is only a head smaller than the Easter Bunny. This noticeable, small height difference prompted Gabe to ask "Is the Easter Bunny a bunny or just a person dressed up in a bunny costume?" To which I promptly replied "Of course it's a real bunny!". And that's how we explain things at our house.


This is how we celebrated a job well done on Gabe's recent report card. We are currently trying the reward system of parenting instead of punishment parenting...let's see how long this lasts. The one good thing about the half day Wednesday at Gabe's school is that Wednesday is the new Friday. If I am lucky enough to be off from work, then Gabe and I can have a few extra special hours together doing fun stuff like going to the movies. Today was a "Friday" Wednesday. I think we were both a bit tired today however, I got restless about 45 minutes into the movie and I noticed Gabe's behavior mirrored mine. Good thing I had chocolate snacks to help combat the restlessness. The plot of HOP (the Easter Bunny from Easter Island) was amusing. The supporting cast of actors was terrible. They seemed uninvolved with their characters and lowered my enjoyment of the live action/animation movie. I was most impressed with Russell Brand who was the voice of EB, the mai...

Just A Little Tribute

Image one of my favorite bands. Today is the anniversary (is that what you call it when someone dies?) of Kurt Cobain's death. I remember it very vividly since I was a senior in high school and was totally obsessed with Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Red Hot Chili Peppers at the time. It was a weird day at school and everyone was talking about it and passing around the Facebook. We were all engrossed in his story...and the sad ending of it. I still love this band, (listened to them all day today) but unfortunately, for obvious reasons, they won't be coming to concert, releasing any new albums, anything. I know I should be sad for the loss of a person, but I'm really sad for the loss of the music. Here's to Kurt ...and his one time drummer who turned the tragedy of Nirvana into...The Foo Fighters.

JJ French Pastry

The last time I felt this way about a restaurant it ended poorly...very poorly (can we say Cream Pot?). I'm really hoping this restaurant does not take a turn for the worse. So far so...WONDERFUL. It was Mai Ly who posted pictures of her Saturday lunch on Facebook that initially piqued my interest...yes, I'm willing to try something based on a Facebook picture. Luckily I was off the very next day from noticing her post. We devised a plan to meet for lunch. And what a visually stunning and delicious lunch it was. I ordered the special---crab and cheese ravioli with cream sauce. When Isom and I finally win the lotto and get a personal chef, he/she will be making this dish for me at least once a week. It's pasta at its best. Of course I can't try someplace new without sampling their dessert...especially a place with pastry in the name! I like my desserts on the extra sweet side, these desserts were not the sweetest, but they were just so cute and pretty that I thi...

17 Years

...since I last saw my high school friend Ben and all I have to show for our mini reunion on Thursday evening? This sloppy picture of my faux chicken enchilada from the Yard House. I have a grand total of two pictures on my phone. They are both of food. Hmm. I love my friends...and family. I really do. But you don't have to do retakes with food. Food never looks fat in pictures (well, if it does, it's generally a good thing). Food isn't concerned that her outfit isn't cute enough for the picture or that she has no make-up you see why food is more appealing at this time for picture taking. Besides, I'll be taking plenty of human pictures when baby boy one will be preoccupied with eating...just cooing and cradling. It was fun having my past and my present meet. They drank beer, I ate, and Gabe got an earful of how "mommy was in high school". Luckily there have been no follow up questions. Hopefully it's not another seven...

Happy Anniversary Ice Cream Sundae!

I have a legitimate excuse to have a sundae at Baskin Robbins! I wouldn't have even known that the ice cream sundae was turning 119 today if it wasn't for my best friend Google. Google has once again made my day with this piece of super informative information. Now the dilemma will be what toppings to get. Sundae on Sunday. Perfect.

Happy Birthday Ryan!

I think the last time we celebrated a birthday with our now nine year old nephew was when he was turning seven. These are the times you wish you had a private jet and gobs of expendable cash at your you can fly on a whim to see family and friends on special occasions. I hear there were a ton of boys at the Ohumukini household for a sleepover to celebrate Ryan turning nine. I'm sure he had fun but I am silently groaning...this is going to be me in a year or two and again when the new baby boy peanut gets to sleep over age. All boys, all the time. But, I see that many of my friends, and my sister-in-law included have survived all the action and excitement that little boys bring, so I know there is hope. Happy birthday from your Hawaii family Ryan...maybe we can celebrate in person next year...with an additional little baby boy to add to the fun.