Baby Z In Utero
I'm becoming more and more restless, especially as two mom friends that were due after me, have already had their babies. Each day seems longer and longer. I feel like the days are at least 32 hours long instead of the standard 24. But, yesterday made things a little more bearable since Isom and I got to see Baby Z via ultra sound. I'm due this Sunday but at my last doctor's appointment on Tuesday, there was a little question about the size of this big boy. My doctor ordered an ultra sound for me to have Baby Z measured and estimate his weight, check on my fluids, and of course see the cutest baby in the world! I won't be giving away the estimated weight just yet but I will say that 1) the ultra sound tech had a funny look on her face when seeing the actual size of Baby Z (a look that said, wow, I feel sorry for you) 2) she also said my uterus is a trooper (guess it's fighting a battle against these big babies I keep having) 3) the head and stomach measurement...