"The Lovely Bones"

I read this book four years ago. I never imagined it would be a movie. I liked it. It was different than other books I had read. It was disturbing. Well written, but very disturbing. And now, I have the same thoughts on the movie. I enjoyed the storytelling in pictures. It was a cinematographers dream project. The story is a parent's worst nightmare. It is sad, frightening, spirit crushing. Why read or watch this? It's a good story, a journey and an interesting take on life, death, and the in between. I also read "Lucky", the author's true life story of another horrific experience---rape. I think the author worked her way through trauma by writing both of these novels. So, if by reading her thoughts and take on the darkest parts of people, I somehow contributed to her healing, then I'm glad. After both putting down the book and walking out of the theater, I had to wonder what parts of "The Lovely Bones" were based in truth. I know that t...